This is a list of all available IHPs.  Under each IHP is a list of the IHPs you have created.  To update a student’s IHP, simply open it, make the changes, and save it.  The updated IHP PDF will be available to download.

NOTE:  All IHPs are securely stored and only viewable by the creator of the IHP.  Please ensure the password you created when you subscribed to is a secure one.


  1. Anaphylaxis/Severe Allergy IHP
  2. Seizure Disorder IHP
  3. Asthma IHP
  4. Concussion IHP
  5. Migraine IHP
  7. Neurogenic Bladder IHP
  8. Colostomy/Ileostomy IHP
  9. Encopresis IHP
  10. Cystic Fibrosis IHP
  11. Sickle Cell IHP
  12. Latex Allergy IHP
  13. Adrenal Insufficiency IHP
  14. Spina Bifida IHP
  15. Cerebral Palsy IHP
  16. Muscular Dystrophy IHP
  17. Hemophilia IHP
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