Welcome to SchoolNursing101.com!

Cyndi Braun, RNFew other occupations touch as many people in a single day as school nurses.  We, 100,000 of us in the U.S. alone, connect with millions of students (and their families), staff members, and visitors (from toddlers to grandparents) every single day.

With busy clinics and most of us working as the only health professional on our campus, there is little time available to research health conditions and resources to better care for our students or run our clinics.  Our primary responsibility is caring for students as they present in our clinics.  But, as healthcare professionals, we also need to educate others about health promotion and disease prevention.

SchoolNursing101.com is your ever-growing resource that houses thousands of links, diagrams, and PDFs that assist you in the clinic and can be shared with your students, faculty, and school families.  Because we can’t replicate ourselves, access to a resource website comes in a close second! I hope it will serve as a third hand, a time-stretcher, and a companion to better assist school nurses everywhere as they care for their students, students’ families, and coworkers.

My name is Cyndi Braun, and I created this site with you and me in mind.  Allow me to introduce myself. I returned to college as an adult and completed my Bachelor’s degree in nursing at Texas Woman’s University.  During one of my med/surg rotations, I cared for a patient who had neglected his insulin-dependent diabetes for many years.  He was recovering from his second amputation.  It was at that time that I realized I wanted to focus my nursing on the “healthy” end of the health continuum where young people are establishing health habits and learning how to live with various medical conditions.

My school nursing career began as a nurse in a Dallas, Texas, high school followed by Dallas middle school.  Dallas ISD has a phenomenal school nursing program for new graduates, and I am blessed to have started my school nursing career there!  The District “held my hand” and the hand of other new nurses as it prepared each of us to earn the National Certified School Nurse designation.  What confidence they had in me!  I have also been an elementary school nurse in Plano, Texas, and now serve a high school in Frisco, Texas.

My goals for SchoolNursing101.com are ever evolving and often based on recommendations from you, my fellow school nurses.  I encourage and welcome any and all suggestions and recommendations!

All the best,

Cyndi Braun, BSN RN NCSN
The Resource for School Nurses — Founder, Developer
[email protected]

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